
Dr. Paul Anastasio has been a chiropractor for over 30 years. He received his doctorate from Palmer University and attended Trinity College for his undergraduate.

He opened the Harwich Health Center with like-minded health care professionals in 2002. 

Chiropractic techniques:

Doctor Paul Anastasio has many years of proficiency in the following Chiropractic Techniques: Palmer Package/Diversified, Activator, Thompson Drop Table, Gonstead, Logan Basic, SOT, Cox Flexion-Distraction and Websters Breech Baby technique. Dr. Anastasio has great interest in Nutrition and can order food allergy tests if requested. He is also well versed in the benefits of CBD and other cannabinoids in supporting the Endocannabinoid System. In addition, the following modalities are available to patients: Therapeutic Ultrasound, Electrical Muscle Stimulation, Infratonic/Sound Wave Therapy, Mechanical Traction, Exercise and Hot/Cold Therapy.

Discovered in September of 1895 by Daniel David Palmer, chiropractic is the number one alternative health care option to traditional drugs and surgery. Chiropractors subtly re-align the spine, taking pressure off of the nervous system which allows the body to heal and re-establish an innate balance. A Chiropractor can provide relief of pain from sciatica, back, neck, hands, arms, legs, feet, headache, many systemic complaints in addition to Wellness Care.

Our Philosophy

Insurances Accepted

We accept most insurances including: Medicare, MassHealth, Blue Cross, Harvard Pilgrim, Tufts, Cigna, Fallon, Aetna, Boston Medical Center, Personal Injury and Workers Compensation. Cash plans are available.

Location and ContacT

Harwich Health Center is located at 11 Peasant Lake Ave. in Harwich, Massachusetts.  Conveniently close to Eastham, Orleans, Brewster, Yarmouth, Dennis and Chatham.

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